Do you know your frogs?

Or is it a toad? Well me for one have been unsure. So I decided to dwell into it a bit. Looking through photos on my laptop I found two types of these four legged creatures. These were taken in the UK, specifically Derbyshire. One I thought was a toad and another I also thought was a toad. However, when investigating this I was surprised to find that the UK only has two types of frogs and two types of toads.

I guess it at least makes the identification process a lot easier. Even easier as statically speaking you would most likely see only two of them. I can confirm this myself as those are the only ones I've stumbled upon. 

So what do you think, frog or toad?

Picture 1

Picture 2

Seeing these next to each other have made me realise that there is quite the difference between them. Picture 1 is the Common Frog and picture 2 is the Common Toad, well done you if you got it right! I must also tell you the scientific name for the common toad as it is adorable: Bufo Bufo.
Right? It's like taken out of a magic trick. I will also let you know the common frog one as well although it's not as good as Bufo Bufo. It is Rana Temporaria. 

So these my friends are the common frog and toad of Britain! Majestic little creatures! 
The common frog recognisable for it's darker spot behind it's eye and striped legs. Compared to toads, frogs have longer hind legs which might also be why they prefer to jump rather then walk. Despite this one being olive green they can also be brown, yellow and even red. 

In contrast to the frogs smooth and moist skin the toads skin is in need of some lotion. You can almost feel the roughness of its skin by looking at the picture. Another way of distinguish a common toad is the copper coloured eyes, aren't they beautiful? Behind those stunning eyes on the other hand lures the toxic glands. Paratoid glands which all Bufo species have, these let out a milky, thick venom which varies amongst species. 

I know from experience that dogs do not agree with this venom from the Common Toad, as my family's Jack Russell decided to have a nibble and deeply regretted it. A lot of foam and frothing happened on the way home. She did not make the same mistake again I tell you.

I hope you've enjoyed this read as much as I've enjoyed writing it, I will tell you about the other two species when I find them!

Or you can find more information in the links below:


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