“There is no question climate change is happening...

The only arguable point is what part humans are playing in it.” - David Attenborough

Since I met my partner Ellis and lived in the UK my favourite "TV" show/series have always been David Attenborough's ones. They are informative, emotional and absolutely stunningly filmed. Not to talk about how David's voice draws you in and holds your attention for as long as the episode lasts.

Yesterday I watched one of the episode from his new series and as always I'm in a state of awe after.
I was even struggling to hold back some tears when he spoke about how chimpanzees have become critically endangered in South East Senegal. It's very sad that we, us humans have come this far and still the only thing we think about is money. How can we only think about ourselves? Why do we think we're aloud to make choices for lives that are not our own?

You don't think you are making these choices?
I have been making these choices all my life, I have bought meat, dairy, palm oil products and a lot more that impacts animals habitats and their survival. The sad truth is that I probably still do without knowing.

Now I don't eat meat or dairy and I try my best to not buy anything with animal products in it as well considering products with the least environmental impact on the world. There will be things I can do better and I'm taking steps towards it everyday, as I think it's the least I can do.

In what state do you want this world to be when you leave?

“Are we happy that our grandchildren may never seen an elephant except in a picture book?” - Again a quote from David Attenborough which is worth thinking about.

I'm not happy with this, I thought I was passionate about animals and I'm angry with myself that it has taken me this long to realise that I obviously wasn't. How could I think that and still make them go through the horrible life we created for them just to eat them? Did I tell myself that they were less worthy then other animals like dogs and cats? That they don't feel as much? Or that they're less clever? I don't know.. But today all I know is that I want to help, I want to give back.


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