Life as a vegan

Or should I say plant eater as it seems to be less offensive. Me and my partner have been eating plant based food since April 2018 and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I only wish I'd done it earlier. I wish I could have opened my eyes earlier to what's happening in this world or maybe not closed them so hard that denial was all I could see.

Either way I'm not writing this here to judge but to explain how I've felt these last nine months.
Becoming a plant eater in the UK in this day and age is not hard, I dare to say it's easier then it probably ever been. All you really need is discipline and a little more effort, I only say effort as it takes a while to learn new recipes and getting your stomach used to all the great beans out there! But stick with it and the effort will fade as with anything you make a habit of.

The only hard part about eating plant based and calling yourself a "vegan" is how you are made fun of for trying to help rescuing this world and the horrible fate we've given the creatures on this earth. If you don't want to give up meat or dairy I'm not going to be the one to force you to, I'd never tell anyone that they can't eat this or that because of me being "vegan". However some people feel the need to tell me that I should be eating meat. Jokes about me feeling cold, because I don't eat dairy, or trying to "tempt" me with food that mostly contains dairy and meat because surely I must miss it.

I can't even try to describe how distressed it made me feel in the beginning, it made me think of how hard it most have been for everyone else who became "vegan" a long way back. I mean my fifteen year old self would not have considered eating only plant based food but I would have kept my mouth shut. If not kept it to myself. A big shout for you early plant based eaters out there! I wish I would have been more like you.

Anyhow I guess what I'm trying to say is that the world is in danger and why can't we work together on this instead of choosing sides and taking the mick out of each other. I mean come on humans, we have not come this far just to give up on this beautiful world and hand the problem over to the next generation? Would you like to see your child struggling for food and water when they're older,  just because you don't want to give up certain things right now? If we don't halt or at least lower the CO2 emissions these coming 10 years, we will bring the next generation and the animals a nasty looking future.

Trust me, there are amazing people out there that haven't made me feel discourage and a bit hopeless and without you guys I think I would have been forever cynical and filled with anger. I must not forget that there are so many out there that does amazing things for this world and are also trying their best to help. You can too even if it's only eating less meat, cycling to work or not buying products such as palm oil.

Together we can change the world!

Yes a little corny but hey it's true!


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