A Pang For The Pangolin

The most trafficked mammal on earth, how would that feel? You'd most likely feel more then just a pang.

Out of eight species, four are stated as vulnerable, two endangered and the last two critically endangered. Mostly because they're illegally hunted down by people for their scales. This is due to uneducated parts of the world believing it contains healing properties. Another danger for the pangolin is also deforestation of their habitat.

It's not only the scales that interest the poachers but also the meat as it's seen as luxurious food in both Vietnam and China. Am I surprised? If I'd never been in Asia I might say yes but from what I saw in Cambodia I am definitely not. Sadly. 

Roughly 20% of the illegal wildlife trade is made up by the pangolins and it's black market is mainly in Asia.

Wow this post is depressing. Let me make it even more dispiriting by describing this wonderful creature.

As mentioned before these creatures are mammals and not reptiles as you might think from seeing them. They have amazing thick scales made of keratin (like our nail and hair) that protects them from danger such as big cats and other predators. However sadly not from the biggest predator of them all, people. You see the pangolin curls up to a ball when it feels threatened to shield their softer areas with their hard scale but for us humans with dexterous hands they're a pretty easy target.

They mainly eat ants, termites and larvae therefore also known as the scaly ant eater. To help them with this they have a fantastic mechanism which seals their ears and nostrils so no insects can get in. They even have special muscles in their mouth to keep the ants and termites from fleeing. How cool?

And guess what? They have no teeth but a tongue and that tongue is longer then you can imagine. It is known that it can sometimes be longer then the pangolins body! I bet it can lick it's elbow, ha-ha.

So you might wonder if there is any good news for the pangolin?

Yes there is, in 2016 all legal trade of pangolins were banned and big organisations like WWF and TRAFFIC are working hard to protect these adorable creatures from wildlife crimes. Read more by clicking here.

While looking for more information I also stumbled over an article about Tikki Hywood Trust also known as "The Pangolin Men". And I believe these people and the photographer Adrian Steirn captures the beauty of these wonderful animals better then I could ever describe. Please watch the video below.

Video shared from here.


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