
"F ear of being in large bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, of sea waves, and fear of distance from land" - Wikipedia So dear readers, I have this love and fear relationship between me and this vast area called the ocean. I'm pretty sure I don't have full on Thalassophobia but there's definitely a slight hint of it lingering in me. You see I absolutely love to be in the water, ever since I was a child I'd spend all my times in pools, lakes or the sea if I could. Even so there always were this nagging feeling of unease and occasional moments where my heart would beat a little faster. Now when I think about it I believe this might be the reason why I find the ocean so intriguing and incredibly fascinating. It's the little adrenaline you get when induced by curiosity and fear which makes you long for more. The fear for me is the darkness and not knowing what's under your feet but most of all it's the indoctrinated fe...