Red or Grey?

In this post I'm going to bring something up that has been on my mind for a while now. For you who live in the UK you will most likely know that seeing a red squirrel is rare however the grey is everywhere. How come it ended up like this? And what does red squirrel conservation mean for the grey squirrels? To answer the first question we have to look back in time a bit. The UK before 1870 only had one species of squirrels which was the little red one with super cute ear tufts and fuzzy long tails. These speedy little fluffs enjoyed their lives chewing their favourite pine seeds in their very much preferred coniferous forests. If the autumn was bountiful they would prepare for winter by gaining some love handles in case the supply of stored fungi, green acorns and hazelnuts grew spares during the chillier time. Also for the females who might later have to eat for two, three or maybe four little ones. Accordingly to the UK Woodland Trust there were abou...